Saturday, June 16, 2007

You're Fired!

Livingstone has announced that he will not be sanctioning the appointment of Conservative or Lib Dem members to the Fire Authority this year.

Ostensibly this is because we - for I am included - are male, and he wants more women members. However he has reappointed the Labour and Green men to the board. Last year he lost political control of the authority and we overturned some of his wackier proposals, including the forced contribution of Fire Brigade money to his 'award winning' free sheet, The Londoner.

So the real minorities Livingstone is trying to protect are his own supporters. And democracy comes a poor second to political correctness in the Mayor's office.


Anonymous said...

The Mayor himself is a white male. If he can represent all the diversity of the London population, then why can't other democratically elected representatives, irrespective of gender, religion, race or disability, do likewise?

Anonymous said...

Why have the Tories nominated not a single black or Asian person and only one woman, out of seven nominations that could have been made? It contradicts all the rhetoric of David Cameron about making the party more inclusive.
The Tories seem to be saying that black and Asian people and women are not up to the job.

Anonymous said...

'alan howe said...
The Mayor himself is a white male. If he can represent all the diversity of the London population, then why can't other democratically elected representatives, irrespective of gender, religion, race or disability, do likewise?'

This entirely misses the point - there is a pool of people the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats can appoint from, and a large number of positions to appoint (ten in total). Out of these they have tried to appoint nine white men and one white woman.

Surely the Liberal Democrats and Conseravatives between them can find some talented black and Asian people and women? Or are they saying that these appointments are the best people available in the whole of London from these parties and that they have no black or Asian people who could do this job at all?

Anonymous said...

Who said Livingstone ever believed in democracy? Those of us old enough to remember his despicable coup over his colleagues in the GLC umpteen years ago know just what a disgusting piece of Communist scum he is.

Anonymous said...

Communist?? Our Ken is whatever he needs to be on the day! Possibly even down to the second.

Why can't you engage your imagination for a few seconds and think of a pseudonym to hide behind like everyone else?

Roger Evans said...

Good news is that we've now been reinstated, following a humiliating climb down by the Mayor.

Dorothea said...

Glad to hear that the persons excluded on account of their race / sex are to be re-instated.

However, failing that men, you could always go for a sex change - thus gaining two brownie points in one, err, stroke; one for becoming female, the other for being minority transgender.