Monday, December 10, 2007

Costly Caracas

A recent question about the Mayor's obsession with Venezuela revealed the following:

Angie Bray: When will the GLA office in Caracas be open for business? Can the Mayor detail how many staff from the GLA family will be seconded there, and what will the annual running costs be?

Ken Livingstone: A 12 month lease was completed on an office in Caracas at the end of July. It is currently being set up.

No staff from the GLA will be seconded there.

Running costs for 12 months are estimated to be £77,200.

So an office was leased in July but is still not in use...

There may be no GLA staff on site, but two locals will be employed at the office and they are being recruited.


weggis said...

Any possibility of organising some funding for a ONE-WAY ticket for Mr L to visit said office?

Anonymous said...

Therefore by the time this 'I scratch my back etc' deal with Mr Chavez is finally ready for "business", the lease will have to be renewed at a no doubt higher cost (to me and thee, remember), and the benefit to me and thee will be .....??????

ps. Weggis doesn't look like that anymore.