Sunday, September 23, 2007

Graffiti on the North Circular

Roger Evans: There has been graffiti on the pedestrian footway ramp near the A406 below Elmhurst Gardens for over two weeks. Transport for London is responsible for its removal and have stated that it falls under the category of graffiti that will be removed within 28 days. Does the Mayor believe that it is acceptable for TfL to take this long?

Ken Livingstone: TfL has defined cleansing targets, once reported, as:

- Removal of offensive, obscene or racist graffiti within 24 hours.
- Removal of graffiti which is not offensive or racist incorporated into a planned programme of works, or attended to during any non routine fault repair operation within a maximum of 28 days.

This is a practical, proportional response to addressing the problems of graffiti and will ensure that TfL's financial commitment is containable.

So who decides if graffiti is 'offensive' within these terms? What criteria are considered? Perhaps I'm old fashioned or intolerant about this but in my view ALL graffiti is offensive.

(Including the 2012 'logo')


weggis said...

Well yes Roger, BUT as with Policing there is no bottomless pit of wonga, so there has to be some means of prioritising.

So, if you are not happy with the current situation, the onus is on you to say how you would prioritise and how it would be paid for.

Anonymous said...

Well, TfL's priority seems to be paying huge wads of cash to that useless Bob Kiley for not doing his job.

Wish I could get a job like that.

weggis said...

Good point, Judith.

But I suspect, a legal predicament not worth pursuing - unless you want a similar criticism from Warrick Lightfoot as per ken's challenge in the courts over PPP on the tube.